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Connect Cards
All about setting up and how to use connect cards in TIC
Creating a Connect Card Using Text In Church: A Step-by-Step GuideSet up a Connect Card with personalized questions, design, and additional follow-up actions.
How to Create Connect Widgetbuild and customize a connect widget to display connect cards or additional resource links on your website ( how to use #ticpopup)
How To Set Up a Connect Card on My WebsiteInstall a connect card and widget on your website
Adding the Widget script to your websiteHow to add your customized form to your website with Squarespace, Ministry Designs, WIX, Wordpress, or Javascript
Supported Video SourcesText In Church supports both YouTube & Vimeo video links
Connect Cards GlossaryOverview of the items and terms related to the Connect Cards within your Text In Church Account
Troubleshooting Connect Cards and Widgets on WebsitesA step-by-step guide to fix common issues for Connect Cards and Widgets on Websites. Troubleshooting Tips
Digital Connection Card LinkSpecific group link that allows you to use a stand alone link to add people to TIC
People are not filling out our Connect CardMembers and guests are not filling out the Connect Card after texting a keyword
How can I use a survey to get more information?How to use a third-party service to ask follow-up questions as a supplement to your digital connection card
Creating a Landing Page with Connect WidgetsCreate a landing page to use as a "link in bio" on social media. Create a welcome center or next steps landing page for a tablet or iPad.