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Account Users and Permissions

An overview for understanding how to use Account Users and their Permission levels.

Randalin Ward avatar
Written by Randalin Ward
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Communicating effectively can be more than a one-person job, so working together is crucial! That's why Text In Church offers your team one central hub to send and receive text messages.

We understand that while you can certainly have many helpers in your Text In Church account, they may not need access to the entire account.

With user permissions, you can limit your account users's access to different features within the account.

Permissions are a great way to ensure your users can only access the features they need!

1. Permission Levels

There are two permission levels within your Text In Church Account: Admin and User.

  • Admin:

    This level of user will have access to all 10-digit phone numbers on the account, Groups, people, and messages, as well as the ability to assign permissions to other users.

    Admin-level can also edit billing information, or make changes to the subscription. You can set an unlimited number of users to be Admins.

  • User:

    This level of user will only have access to the 10-digit phone numbers and groups set by an Admin-level user.

    Users will only be able to view and adjust settings on the groups they are assigned to. Their inboxes will contain any messages that are sent to the phone number that they are assigned to.

Keep in mind that our inbox experience is designed to work with multiple users at once, keeping notifications on a new message until someone has responded, archived, or marked the message as read.

Simply reading a message will not clear the message notification flag.

2. Adding a New Account User

  1. Sign in to Text In Church and click the ‘Account Settings’ icon in the bottom left corner of the page.

  2. Then choose the “Users” tab from the pop-out menu

3. On the right side of the page, within the “Users” heading, click the orange Add new button:

4. Fill out the form with your account user’s information.

  • Check the “Can see contact payment amount” to give this user permission to see giving history and amounts.

  • Check the "Receive Weekly group Digest" if they are interested in receiving an email that shares how many contacts are added or removed to Groups in the account.

  • Check "Enable in browser incoming SMS notification" if they'd like to receive notifications for incoming SMS messages when they are on the desktop!

  • Click the "Job Title" box to open a drop-down of job titles and click the job title that best matches your User, there's an Other option if none of the available titles fit.

Optionally, create a signature for this User to sign their messages with. Learn more here.

Then at the bottom of the pop-up, click the blue “Save” button to create your new User!

Next, click the three dots next to the User and click Manage Permissions to edit their permissions.

Admin with Full Access: Administrators hold comprehensive control, allowing them to view, edit, and delete any element within every feature of the church account.

This includes a broad spectrum of functionalities, empowering them to manage and maintain various aspects effortlessly.

Limited Access User: For users with limited access, customization is key. This feature enables you to tailor their permissions to manage specific features exclusively.

Whether it's viewing, editing, or deleting, you have the flexibility to fine-tune their capabilities.

Additionally, these users can be assigned to specific Groups and associated with designated phone numbers, providing a structured and organized approach to account management.

  • Limited Access User Set-up View: When configuring a Limited Access User, remember that permissions are additive.

    For instance, if you grant permission to delete people, the "view" and "edit" options are automatically selected.

    This user will then automatically receive an email to create a password to sign into the account.

    When signing in for the first time, the User will receive a Two-factor authentication (2FA) code that adds an extra layer of security to your church's Text In Church account, ensuring the safety of your personal information and communications.

    Here's how it works:

  • Code Verification: Upon login, a code will be sent to the mobile number associated with your user profile. This must be a valid mobile number and not a VOIP.

  • Code Entry: When prompted, enter the code received into the Text In Church login screen.

  • Browser Registration: Once successfully authenticated, you'll be registered to that browser for 30 days for seamless access. However, if you change devices or browsers or after the 30-day period expires, you'll need to complete 2FA again for security purposes.

  • Why It Matters: 2FA adds an extra layer of protection to your account, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and safeguarding your sensitive data and communications within the Text In Church platform.

3. Edit Users or Permissions

  1. Sign in to Text In Church and click the Account Settings icon in the bottom left corner of the page.

  2. Then, choose Users from the pop-out menu.

3. Within the Users section, select the three-dot icon by the Account User you want to make changes to, then click “Edit.”

  • Check the “Can see contact payment amount” to give this user permission to see giving history and amounts.

  • Check the "Receive Weekly group Digest" if they are interested in receiving an email that shares how many contacts are added or removed to Groups in the account.

  • Check "Enable in browser incoming SMS notification" if they'd like to receive notifications for incoming SMS messages when they are on the desktop!

  • Click the "Job Title" box to open a drop-down of job titles and click the job title that best matches your User, there's an Other option if none of the available titles fit.

  • Optionally, create or edit a signature for this user to sign their messages with. Learn more here.

  • At the bottom of the page, click the blue “Save” button.

    Note: Enhance your presence! Navigate to the Person Section, find your contact, click "Edit Profile," and upload a profile picture. Make your user more personal and recognizable.

4. Remove an Account User or Admin

We understand that there may come a time when a team member no longer needs access to certain Groups or no longer needs access to the account at all.

Here are the steps you can take to remove Admin level permissions, disable the User, or delete the User from your account entirely.

Note: This can only be completed by an Account User with Admin Level permissions.

  • Sign in to Text In Church and click the Account Settings icon in the bottom left corner of the page. Then, choose “Users” from the pop-out menu.

  • Within the Users section, select the three-dot icon by the Account User you want to remove, then click “Disable User”

  • This will prevent that User from logging in to your account in the future!

    To fully remove the User from the account.

  • Click Disabled Users, select the three-dot icon by the Account User you want to Delete, then click "Disable Account."

Learn More About Account Users and Permission Levels

This article can walk you through setting up additional phone numbers for your account.

Want to set up and use User Signatures for your text and email messages? Check out the article here!

Still have questions? No worries, we’re always happy to help! Send us a chat message or email our Member Support team at

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