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A Comprehensive Guide to User Permissions
A Comprehensive Guide to User Permissions

Assigning the correct permissions to each user, Text In Church helps you ensure that the right people have access to the right features!

Corey Piazza avatar
Written by Corey Piazza
Updated over a week ago

Text In Church offers flexible User permissions to help churches manage who can access and control different parts of the platform.

Permissions are divided into two main categories: Admin and Limited Access Users. Here’s a full breakdown of how these roles differ and affect specific platform areas.

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- Full Access: Admins have unrestricted access to all parts of the platform. This includes viewing, modifying, and deleting data.

- Manage Users: Admins can add, edit, and delete User accounts, adjust permissions, and oversee all activity.

Limited Access Users

- Restricted Access: These Users can view and interact with certain features based on their permission settings, but their access is limited.

- Customizable Access: Admins can set permissions for specific modules, such as Messaging, Phone Numbers, or Groups, determining what each User can see and do.

Permissions Breakdown by Feature

Here’s how permissions affect various modules in Text In Church:

Billing: Allows you to view and edit billing information, including payment methods, subscription plans, and transaction history.

Callers & Teams: Allows you to manage Caller profiles, team members, and settings for how calls are routed. You can add, edit, or delete team members and configure call flows.

Note: For Callers to make outgoing calls, this permission needs to be set to at least View and Modify.

Connect Cards: You can create, edit, and manage Connect Cards and Widgets.

Digital Receptionists: Access to configure Digital Receptionists, including call routing, automated greetings, and voicemail settings.

Giving Data: You can view, manage, and track giving data, including donation amounts, donor information, and reports.

Groups: Allows you to create, edit, and delete Groups, as well as assign contacts to Groups.

Note: As a limited-access User, you will only be able to communicate with those in the Groups you are assigned to.

Integrations: Can enable, configure, and manage third-party integrations, like Planning Center or Mailchimp.

Messaging: Allows you to create, edit, schedule, and delete all messages, including message templates and Automated Workflows.

Pages: Gives access to create, edit, and manage Connect Pages.

People: This gives Users access to add, edit, merge, and delete contacts and manage their details.

Phone Numbers: Manage phone numbers, including adding, editing, or deleting phone numbers and configuring call routing and messaging settings.

Note: This also impacts your ability to make calls or send texts from the assigned phone numbers. You'll want to make sure Callers who need to make outgoing calls have at least View and Modify listed for this permission.

Workflows: Can create, edit, delete, and manage Automated Workflows in the Connect tab.

Managing Permissions

Admins can easily manage user permissions by going into the "Users" section of the platform.

Permissions can be assigned feature-by-feature, allowing you to customize what each user can do within Text In Church. This flexibility helps keep sensitive data secure and limits access based on roles within your team.

To learn more about How to add User Permissions, click here!

How Changes Take Effect

Changes to User permissions may take time to be reflected in the User interface.

Users may need to log out and log back in or refresh their interface for the new permissions to apply fully.

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