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Adding the Widget script to your website
Adding the Widget script to your website

How to add your customized form to your website with Squarespace, Ministry Designs, WIX, Wordpress, or Javascript

Caleb Miller avatar
Written by Caleb Miller
Updated today

Text In Church offers the ability for you to add our new and improved Connect Card to your website. This is a great way for your website to interact with its visitors.

For example, you could offer pre-registration for VBS or a Plan A Visit form for guests. In this article, we will walk you through how to add the script for a Connect Card right to your website.

To get started you will need to navigate to the Connect Widgets under Cards. From here you can click the “Link Your Website” button.

Note: You must create a Connect Widget before adding a Widget to your website. Click here to learn more!

From here you can either copy the Code Snippet to your clipboard or you can or follow the instructions below if you have a dedicated website developer or use one of the website builders listed below!

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On Squarespace, you can add custom code and scripts to your whole site using the Code Injection area in Advanced Settings:

  • In the Home Menu, click Website, then under Utilities click Website Tools, and then click Code Injection.

  • Add code: Add scripts to the Header Code Injection field. This allows you to add the code once and it then can update with all of our pages in the linker.

  • Note: In Squarespace, you must have secure protocols turned on in order for the Text In Church Widgets to show up on the mobile versions of your website by default.

  • Done! Your new widget is ready to be published!

Ministry Designs

  • Log in to your Ministry Designs account

  • Select Pages in the main menu

  • Choose the page you want the card on.

  • Scroll down to "Footer" in the right-side panel and paste your code

  • Click save at the top


🛑 Note: only domain-connected WIX accounts can embed custom javascript onto the webpage.

Adding your code to a Wix page is simple by adding an HTML block with your script:

  • Log in to your Wix account

  • Select Edit Site

  • Click + Add

  • In the toolbar, select "Embed"

  • Scroll through the options, then click "Marketing Tools"

  • Click "Custom Code"

  • Select the "Header"

  • Paste the Smart Connect Card script and Give the element a name of your choice

  • Select "All pages" to have the script applied to all pages of your website

  • Click "Apply"

🛑 Note: At this time the button click using #ticpopup is not available for WIX users. WIX's coding team may be able to help provide a workaround for this.

You can also embed your code by going to the Dashboard of your Wix Site, Settings, and then navigating to the Advanced options.

Next, click "Custom Code" and add your Text In Church Connect Widget Code to the Header.


Struggling with how to include a script to the WordPress header? You have 2 options for inserting JavaScript:

  • Use a WordPress Plugin

  • Add the JavaScript Code directly

Use a WordPress Plugin

You could use a WordPress plugin if you want to insert JavaScript into your site. There are a variety of plugins out there. One of the more popular plugins is Insert Headers and Footers. For most users, the easiest way to add code to the WordPress header and footer is via a plugin. Essentially, you will need to copy the JavaScript embed code, then follow the instructions of whatever plugin you choose to use. First, let's install the plugin:

  • Log in to your WordPress site.

  • Go to Plugins > Add new

  • Search for "Header and Footer Scripts".

  • Click "Install Now" and activate the plugin.

  • You can add your code directly into WordPress:

  • Click on the "Save Settings" button.

Directly Add Your JavaScript Code

If you have a bit of JavaScript code that you want to execute directly on a post or page, just add your code in the “Text” view of the editor.


  • Log into your SubSplash website builder

  • To insert custom code, open the Page Menu.

  • First, go to Settings, then Code.

  • Paste your Code into the "Header" field for the desired page.

  • Last, but certainly not least, click Save Settings in the upper right corner!


  • Log into your ChurchCo website Builder

  • Go "add ons & integrations" on their TTC dashboard:

  • Find the TIC section

Copy the Widget ID from your Connect Widget page

  • Add the widget ID in the field and save:

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