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3) Groups Overview and Tutorial Videos
3) Groups Overview and Tutorial Videos

Getting started in your Groups section. How to begin.

Caleb Miller avatar
Written by Caleb Miller
Updated over a week ago

Your Groups section is where you are able to manage and organize your Groups!

You can change your Group settings, such as the Keyword or Connect Card linked to that Group, access your Automated Workflows, and add or remove any contacts in your Groups. Let me show you around!

Groups Tab Overview Video

Welcome to the Groups tab! This tab has the icon of three people side by side, so it's super easy to find in the blue sidebar!

You can store your Groups under a folder, which helps keep your Groups and contacts organized so you can find the right contacts exactly when you need to!

Or if you'd prefer not to use folders, you can also sort your Groups by Keyword, Members, and Workflows. That way you can easily see all your Groups with Keywords, or Workflows, and your Groups containing the most (or least) number of contacts.

You can always open your folder to see all the Groups inside, as well as the number of contacts, and any Workflows or Keywords connected to your Group!

You have the option to Edit, Duplicate, Move, Share, or Delete each Group in your account:

- Editing allows you to change the settings of your Group, like the name, description, and any Users assigned to your Group. As well as linking a Connect Card to your Group to unlock even more features!

- Duplicating your Group will make a copy of your Group!

- Move To lets you move your Group into a specific folder!

- Sharing your Group lets another Text In Church account use your Group in their account! You'll be given a link for your Group that you'll want to share with them, and then they can import your Group into their account!

- If you no longer need your Group, you can delete it to remove it from the Groups tab!

You can create a new Group or folder by clicking on the orange Add New button in the upper right-hand corner!

Connect Card Tutorial Video

You can access all of the Connect Cards in your account by going to the Connect tab, it's the one with 3 circles right under your Groups tab!

After clicking on the tab, select Cards to access existing Connect Cards or create new ones!

It's super easy to edit your existing Card, just click the three dots to the right of your Card and select Edit!

You can create a new Connect Card by clicking on the blue Add New button in the upper right-hand corner.

Here you have the option to create a Card from one of our existing templates or to create one from scratch!

Your Card will automatically have the color set up for your account by default, but you can manually change this by clicking on the little box by Primary Card Color.

You can also add your church's logo or a video to your Card, a quick video is a wonderful way to thank your first-time guests for taking the first steps in getting connected with your church!

To keep track of what this Card is being used for, you can name your Card using the pencil icon. Once you've finished adding the perfect name, click the check icon to save your Card's new name!

Also in this Step, you can add a Headline and a Description to share more information about your church or what they're signing up for by filling out your Card!

Here are some examples of Headlines and Descriptions you could use:

Headline: Thank you for your interest in our church! / We'd love to see you again!
Description: Please share some information with us so we can stay connected!

Headline: Want to volunteer?
Description: Please fill out this form to share what areas you'd like to serve in!

Headline: Excited for VBS?
Description: Register your child(ren) for VBS by filling out this form!

After you're done in Step 1, click the blue Next button to go to Step 2 where you can edit your Card's questions!

Each Card will have 3 questions generated automatically, the Full Name question, the Phone Number question, and the Email question.

You can also choose how you'd like your questions to be displayed with the Select Your Card Type drop-down box!

Standard Cards list out all of your questions at once, while the Multi-Step Card shares one question at a time!

You can add additional questions to your Card by clicking on the Add question blue text, this will pull up a menu with all of our different question types that you can choose from and customize.

After selecting a question to add, you'll be taken to where you can type out your question, mark it as required, and have that information Smart Save to a specific place like your contact's Comments!

Once you've finished setting up all your questions, you can click the blue Next button to go to Step 3 where you can link your Connect Card to a Group to unlock even more functionality like Keywords, Confirmation Texts, and Staff Notifications!

Automated Workflow Steps Overview Video

To access your Workflows, you'll want to go to the Connect tab and click on the Workflows page!

Here you can see all of your existing Workflows, or create a new one using the blue Add New button in the upper right-hand corner!

You'll have the option to choose a Workflow template or create one from scratch.

We have a ton of super handy templates, that just need a little customization to make a big impact with your community!

Or, if you already have an idea of what kind of messages you'd like to send, you can create your own Workflow from scratch!

When creating from scratch, your first step is adding a Trigger to your Workflow!

Your Trigger is what makes your Workflow start sending messages, there are currently three options to choose from:

  1. Groups Trigger: This means your Workflow will send messages to anyone who joins the Group it's linked to when the Workflow is active!

    (This trigger works well with guests, as they'll receive follow-up based on when they were added to your Group.)

  2. Calendar Date Trigger: You'll set a specific date for your Workflow's messages to be sent before, on, or after that date!

    (This trigger is great for events when you want everyone to receive information at the same time.)

  3. Person Date Trigger: Your Workflow will send messages when a date in the person's contact arrives!

    (This trigger makes it super easy to set up automated birthday or anniversary messages.)

After choosing which Trigger suits your messaging best, you'll also choose what Group(s) you want to receive these messages! Next, click the blue Next button.

Before moving on, you'll want to click the pencil icon to give your Workflow a name. That way it's super easy to know what kinds of messages your Workflow is sending!

After clicking the check to save your Workflow's new name, you can click on the blue Add Step button to access the different kinds of Steps you can set up for your Workflow.

Here are all the different kinds of Steps you can add to your Workflow:

  1. Send Email:

    This step sends an email to the contacts in your Group! You'll get to set who the email comes from, where the replies will go, and create your subject line as well as the content of your email.

  2. Send Text Message:

    This step sends a text to the contacts in your Group! You'll create your text in the message builder provided, and you can select which number you'd like your text to come from via the Send From drop-down box.

  3. Staff Reminder Email:

    This step sends an email to a designated contact about the contacts in your Group!

    You'll get to choose who you want to receive your email, who the email should come from, where any replies go, create the subject line and the content of your reminder email.

  4. Staff Reminder Text:

    This step sends a text to a designated contact about the contacts in your Group!

    You'll choose who is sent the text, the number it is sent from, and create the content of your text in the message builder provided.

  5. Send a Webhook:

    This step is great for anyone utilizing Zapier or other third-party apps that can use Webhooks!

    It can send contact data via JSON to a specified URL. Please feel free to reach out with any questions about this step!

  6. Add to Group:

    This step will add a contact to another Group! You'll set up which Group you want your contacts to be added to, and when they should be added!

  7. Remove From Group:

    This step will remove a contact from a Group! You'll tell the system what Group to remove them from, and when they should be removed!

  8. Create Task:

    This step will create a Task for a specific User on the account! You can add the Title of the Task, Assign a User to that Task, set the Priority Level for your Task, when the Task is due, and what Category the Task should be listed under!

If you have any questions about any of these features, send us an email at or chat with us from the Message Us page in the Resources tab of your account! We're here for you!

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