Quick Pro Tip before we dive in here: we recommend that on a regular basis, you send emails that are short, personal, and to the point.
Statistics are showing a trend of people not reading long, detailed emails simply due to the huge amount of emails they receive.
If you have a lot of information you want to send out on a regular basis, we recommend sending a link to your website or landing page where all of that information can live and leave the email short and sweet.
However, we understand you might want to send newsletter-style emails occasionally, and we have a way to do that through Text In Church!
To get started, choose the email design program you are most comfortable with.
For illustration purposes, we went with Mail Chimp. It is free, and they have some cool design features.
Create the email with the design and images that you would like.
Once you are satisfied with how it looks, click the "Save as Template" option in the upper right corner.
When you save it as a template, you can then go in and hit the edit button to export it as HTML.
Then you can open the document. Here you can highlight everything, then copy.
You can then go into your Text In Church account and paste the email template into a Plain Text Email! You can do this for both a one-time message and for an Automated Workflow email step.
Schedule that message out, and when Text In Church sends the email, you will have a beautiful newsletter-style email that will come with all the awesome benefits of Text In Church!