Need more flexibility with your Text In Church data? Zapier can help with that! Zapier allows you to connect Text In Church to more than 2,000+ applications. This is great because you can use 3rd party form services, set up external notifications, send gifts and so much more!
How It Works
Zapier allows you to trigger, or “Zap,” as they call it, different actions to occur in other programs based on a set of criteria. Everything is based on “triggers” and “actions.”
Triggers are what you can automate in other apps based on steps you take in Text In Church.
Actions are automations that happen within Text In Church based on steps taken in other apps.
Here's a couple of examples...
A trigger would be when you create a person in Text In Church, a card is automatically sent to them using
An action would be someone fills out their information on a Google form and is then automatically created as a person in Text In Church.
Each app will have its own actions and triggers; here is Text In Church’s:
Triggers (these things, within Text In Church, trigger something to happen in another app):
Person Created (When a new person is created)
Person Joined Group (When a person joins a group)
Actions (these occur within Text In Church based on something happening in another app):
Create Person (Creates a person but does not add them to a group)
Add to Group (Creates person and adds them to a group)
How to sign up for Zapier
Click here to sign up for a free Zapier account, from there you can jump right in.
How to Set-up a Zap
The best way to set up a Zap is to put what you want to do in sentence form like this:
I want to send a card to each of my new guests that come on Sunday morning.
Then, transform that sentence into an “If this, then that” statement:
IF a new guest is added to my first-time guest group, THEN send them a card through
Now you have your framework to build your Zap (based on a trigger):
IF a new guest is added to my first-time guest group…
...THEN send a card through
This is just the beginning! You now have powerful automation at your fingertips. Pretty sweet, right?
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